Nice, they improved a 12 year old tech demo, but when are they finally going to implement the game?
This might be the 2nd best Neuro video I have seen so far.
Artifical inteligence meets actual stupidity.
X4 be like
So you want to be a war lord? Conquer new sectors? Send millions of people to die in your name? To ser the balance of power flip in your favor?
In that case, we have the right thing for you. Let me introduce you to the deep world of middle management. Build staions, make sure they are positioned properly. Ensure supply and demand. And live through the stress of watching it all burn while you're watching powerless from the other side of galaxy.
Conquest? Don't be silly. You don't have infrastructure for that yet. Maybe in 300h...
Surely they've gotten so much better since then!
> I used to be desperate to find a girl, but now, that I do get their attention, I realized it isn't that great...
That is such a retarded line, that I cannot comprehend the levels of retardation these people have to be to say it. It does not feel ""great"" to have your basic needs met. But to not have them met is the definition of misery.
"""Oh, stop being such a bitch about being hungry... I eat every day, and it's not as great as you imagine"""
Do you see how retarded it sounds? So, why do people say such retarded line, when it comes to companionship?
>>>Satire account<<<
When you don't let people abuse your kids.
LukeAlmighty DO NOT have any pronouns. You can only refer to LukeAlmighty by LukeAlmighty's name. Please, be tolerant of this.
Please be patient, LukeAlmighty have autism
I you are in Czech republic, DM me, I'll be happy to grab a beer with you
>>>Satire account<<<