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I think I created the ultimate stupid and evilest villain imaginable.

A Divine Demigod who's an atheist and complete nihilist.

I've been exploring the main philosophy of my villain and I actually found a expanded version of antenatalism witch is called Efilism.

Exploring this philosophy I've realized that it's not actually that extreme it's a natural conclusion that liberals and anyone left wing would come to if they're actually smart enough to go down the full path of utilitarianism. I remember watching a philosophy video and reading a paper that discussed how the left inherently views life as painful and something that needs to be fixed while the right inherently views Life as a gift and something that needs to be cherished.

I think I've come to the full conclusion that it the left and right of politics it's two fundamental beliefs on the existence of life just apply to different social issues.

I finally got the perfect outfit for my male character and my God they're going to be every woman's teen heart throb.

I'm deciding what weapon he's going to have.

I'm thinking he should have an Obsidian Kusarigama that resembles more of a hook due to the Polynesian influence but clearly is a scythe to some degree.

Or he should have a traditional sword or he could be a close combatant and have something akin to knuckle dusters on his armor.

I am tempted though to embrace the Obsidian Kusarigama because I could make it to where he could swing around the world similar to Spiderman but that also means he could avoid a lot of traps and a lot of different scenarios would have a lot less pressure.

But the action scenes would be cool as fuck!

I keep having dreams of a area of my world.

It's a vast ocean that's completely still.

The Grand structure is a flat price of glass that you can walk on top of the water, with pillers carved / made of blue & purple crystals. With astrological blueprints and charts holographicly in the sky with a great nebula hanging with biblically accurate angels making stars.

A waterfall flowing from the heavens themselves with a glowing sunlight statue at the very bottom praying to something. The statue is visibly crying and has crystals on the bottom of it.

I don't know why I keep dreaming about this???

You know I wish I had a strong enough belief to believe in a higher power absolutely.

Or the ability to be so Soy-Pilled that I get excited or happy anytime any new product comes out.

I just feel a constant experience of existence.

WTF, is this a common thing in Eastern Europe?

I've heard 7 accounts from Eastern Europeans about how when they were in middle school or high School, their friends or them would jump out of a window to avoid class.

I've never heard of this from anyone from Western Europe or even in Latin America.

Decided to try a new style and created a Helldivers 2 Poster!

I then transformed that into a t-shirt that I made for myself.

I can't remember what video or where I heard this but I remember someone mentioning that at a young age.

The way boy's interact with media is a simply accept how something is and they enjoy it. But girls typically have to see themselves/relate in the media or object for them to enjoy it.

Anyone know the video or this info???

Man I'm kind of obsessed with creating my main character, sibling noe.

They're essentially a little gremlin tomboy. There super cute an adorable and super huggable.

Unfortunately, I don't have the money to commission someone again to make concept art of them.

Maybe in the future!

Studio Rebrand!

I'll no longer be going by Sladrin Studios instead I'll be going by Psyop Intent.

Working on a solstice iconography what one you guys like more so far.

I know in the grand scheme of things this doesn't matter but man is it funny.

Artwork's almost finalized.

We must be doing something right.

The main character & her steed resemble classic DnD characters to some extent.

I say that a positive direction.

I never pre-order games because I know they're always buggy on release or the game is dog shit.

But I made an exception.

I decided to pre-order the Elder ring DLC. Not only that but I chose to deluxe edition so I can get access to the art book.

I absolutely love looking through Dark souls / souls like concept art it really gives an unworldly feeling.

I think my mind is absolutely fucked by this propaganda.

I created a attractive, strong motherly, mainly character & I feel ashamed, why.....

I honestly wanted to go a little bit more extreme on. My oath of loyalty for my fictional government but I didn't want to go over 100 words, so I think I hit a nice compromise while still being very, authoritative.

I, [ Full Name ], Absolutely & Entirely Submit Myself To The Republic & It's People; My Compulsion Of Speech Is An Act Of Loyalty & Love; The Republics Traditions, Families, Forefathers & Laws I Will Faithfully Protect & Honor; I Will Bear True Against All Enemies, Foreign And Domestic; I Devote My Body And Soul To Our Republic & My Home; So Help Me God.

I've probably spent more time analyzing and figuring out motivation of my characters and ideas for conflict and how to make that extremely interesting. Then the actual world building.

I've noticed a large majority of people who want to make stories always try and make the world really interesting while the characters are always super quirky and how they have interesting attributes about themselves.

But I don't seem to really know how to really cause a lot of drama or interaction in the actual story they spent so much time world building or autistically making their character extremely unique that the actual sauce isn't ever really made.

Anyone else think the same???

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