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I'm debating if I my main character should have a love interest or husband or non.

My whole story is about legacy and the desire to not exist but I don't want my main character to be a girl boss I want her to feel connected to this world even after her old life got destroyed.

99 little bugs in the code.
99 little bugs in the code.
Take one down, patch it around.
117 little bugs in the code!

I've always been emotionally represented my entire life.

No idea why. Pretty sure it's just my personality but it makes it hard to form a deep emotional connection.

If I'm ever going to make a hero shooter. I'm going to try and include every iconic game weapon. I'll simply just disguise it as technology or magic in the world so I don't get sued.

Man teleportation, invisibility one shots and increase damage and immortality is going to be fun to balance!

Well, my main story archetypes are fairly solidified.

The main character is obsessed with the preservation of her family's legacy and the legacy of the world. (Akin to the Grand legacy of the Roman empire)

The main villain simply has the desire to not exist. He doesn't want to kill himself necessarily he just wishes to have never been. (They Embodie the philosophy of antinatalism)

Everything's finally coming together!

After months of creating concept ideas for my story.

Something all of a sudden just clicked and now all those ideas I have are being linked together by a common idea in rule throughout the world.

I'm essentially creating an island like, bioluminescent world completely enshrined by an ever creeping darkness which will eventually destroy all of existence.

And the main villain just wants to kill himself. The main hero just wants to move on or possibly kill them self too.

A lot of suicide and killing themes.....

ALSO, Don't worry there are a lot of hot women & men in this story, so I'm not treading too far from what the audience wants!

Thinking of getting some concept art / Commissioning

Anyone know an artist who's style is akin to souls like art?

Examples like this

I've never really had a favorite artist.

I typically just listen to any music that I enjoy and most of the time I only like one song that one artist made.

However within the last 2 years I've grown to really enjoy "The Aviators" their an indie alternative, orchestral, and synthwave musician.

Almost all of their songs I enjoy and what makes it even better is that they have such a unique flavor to their songs because a lot of them are based off of the soul series. A lot of them are much longer in length than what a typical song is.

Their music just has a certain atmosphere to it that just grips me.

Anyone else feel the same?

I think I'm Special Needs.

I Spent 2 hours on the final boss in Elder ring.

Couldn't get past his first phase. Then randomly I get past this first phase and I immediately killed the amoeba and finish the game. Literally dodged all of his attacks on second phase and did it flawlessly.


If you think about it the legacy of the old internet is essentially the wild west and half of the people on there said racial slurs or were racist from the point of view of normal people.

Truly a great legacy.

The more fucked up the lyrics are for a song the better the song is especially if it's in a different language.

Some guy won a bid war to get his message on a Ukrainian bomb that was going to be sent directly to a confirmed camp and I just know that some poor guy got torn to pieces with this fucking inscription on it.

Honestly one of the reasons I think I feel incomplete is because I've never had a partner.

I've never actually tried to get one. I've been so focused on studying an schooling that I've never wanted to have one because I knew I would never have enough time to dedicate to the relationship.

I think the other thing that's frustrating me too is that I'm an enjoyer of both genders. But I desperately want a family. So I refuse to date a guy or even get remotely attached to one.

Just a lot of frustration / mixed emotions.

I'll figure it out eventually, I just enjoy screaming into the void and occasionally it screams back to me.

Honestly, I'm kinda glad I've resisted the urge to seek out sex / sexual interactions just for the sake of it.

I really do want to have a wife and family and don't want a dirty pass.

But man, the magnetic urge towards pussy / dick is incredibly hard.

But I always have to remember Titties Are Temporary. Glory Is Forever!

It's the genuine question that I'm actually really pondering. Are the people who throughout history are constantly pushing towards degeneracy. Are they doing it because they want total control and power over everyone or they genuinely just stupid???

Because looking how these people genuinely behave and think I'm more inclined to say stupid but it's clearly malicious to some degree.

Maybe it's a paradox maybe it's both unintentionally?

Here's the potential early demo of the style for the book with an early draft of the logo.

I really like the background it was made using photoshop.

I started off with a bunch of watercolor brushes creating random stuff then use the warp tool combined with photoshops new generative fill and it created this, it looks like Light Flowers imo.

When I ever do get the book done I'm going to have to hire an artist who can create something similar to this with the characters I created.

I'm only using AI right now because I can't afford to commission a artist full time for an early draft of a concept. I'm poor :blobcatpeek:

Everyone makes the joke about casual sex indicating ranked sex. Well I propose we make an actual rank mode for sex.

We need to figure out a scoring system and an ELO system.

If there's one thing I've learned as a PVE player.

Is nothing more reliable then running away and screaming FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK HOLY, SWEET BABY, JUST FUCKING LIVE!


Saves me 90% of the time.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.