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@fatepony Looks like a more modern / stylized sketch then the traditional boomer style we're used to.

@Shadowman311 I'm all for it.

Well except for invading Panama that's just wild.

Buying Greenland wouldn't it be that bad of an investment especially with the ice thinning out for allowing for easier navigation and better mining in the future.

@Dan_Ramos Trump keeps talking about insinuating how he wants to buy Greenland or take it over in some capacity because it's a strategic asset for the United States to deal with Russia and China.

I love how we're possibly living through manifest destiny 2.0 because Trump seems to really want Greenland or at least to occupy it in some capacity military wise.

@eris I can definitely see what you're saying but I think the reason why they look really different is based on image quality and lighting.

He still has that nice distinguished smile though throughout all of them.

@eris Fake news! we all know that there's no such thing as women it's a psyop by the government.

What we call women are actually just fem boys that are too advanced.

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