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@picandor He's just mad that Americans are hard worker's who have self respect and want some quality of life and respect for there time.

Instead of work slaves.

@beardalaxy I still remember coming across his channel a few years ago before he blew up.

He was doing a challenge of watching paint dry.

There was less then 10 people watching live. I was curious at the time and asked him why he was doing all these stupid and random challenges. He answered he enjoyed shows like survivor and Jeopardy so he wanted to do stuff similar to them.

I then asked why he doesn't get other people to participate in the challenges. At the time he had like five friends who would show up on his channel randomly so I suggested why doesn't he asked his friends to help. He said they were Busy most of the time and they only really did videos to just hang out. So I suggested why don't you use the sponsorship money from like raid Shadow Legends to fund a mini, game show like what you see on twitch that would allow you to get contestants.

He said interesting idea and then we talked back and forth about Minecraft after for a few more minutes then I got bored of the live stream and left.

I still keep thinking to myself that I may have created a monster accidentally.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie it's just the severity of it rather than what it actually is.

Regular coffee isn't normally as hot as what McDonald's was serving and it caused more unnecessary pain when an accident happened because normally it would cause a first or second degree burn but because they were serving it abnormally hotter than what the general population does it caused a necessary pain.

Plus everyone just hates these megacorporation especially how they ran a smear campaign against her.

Man the raids in kenshi brutal.

It legitimately sent 50 bandits to my Outpost they broke through my locked door stole all the items in the house destroyed all the machinery attempted to kill me and my gun for hire so I was luckily able to pick up and run for the hills then had to wait a full 30 minutes for them to finally leave and take all my stuff.

Don't worry though I lured them into the holy flames territory & they got killed and I got all my stuff back.

Dragon Shield - Cast Paper - Fantasy art - Celtic Dragon - Drake - Draco - Celtic Drake by Castpaper

I now want to play the mermaid, just to scream this.....


@PinochetsCommieCopter Got told to lie about policies that will never happen so the chuds don’t kick off and start assassinating healthcare CEOs.

@PinochetsCommieCopter His reputation got immediately destroyed and is trying to do anything to save it or at least meet people halfway and it's just not working.

At least we can confidently say that everyone is dog piling them rightfully even though we're technically on the same side to some capacity.

We need to all be responsible and hold their feet to the fire or we're no better than our opposition.

@maxmustermann Every time Indians try to shit talk they lose.

The only reason there free is because the British gave up.

The only reason their society even functions is because of the British parliamentary system and laws in place before the British ditch them.

The only reason their relevant is do to how big there population is.

Shit most companies still prefer to do business in Vietnam over India even though India is technically cheaper.

And he is literally named the rape capital of the world.

They have no ground to stand on for anything.

the solution to taxes is that the person paying them gets to decide where every single penny goes (this will never happen becausse no one will want to give 100% of their tax money to israel and blackrock

@KiKi88 @Frondeur Omg you just awaked a memory from 7 years.

Now I can't get rid of it again!

Why! :blobsobglasses:

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