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Does content you see on the #Fediverse make you happier or angrier/sadder?
In their imagination: they picked on us because we're troons and faggots

In reality: they just suck at sports

@matrix Do you two know any good tor websites. I've been trying to expand my horizons.

pretty sure file systems aren’t going away my man, and I seriously question the intelligence of anyone who can’t grasp a basic hierarchical model after hours of instruction

AUSTRALIA - Police start shooting Rubber bullets and bean bags at unarmed civilians at the Shrine of Remembrance.

Remember this day.

#COVID19Vic #COVID19 #NOVaccinePassports

I can't fathom let alone express in words how authoritarian a mindset someone must be plagued with to believe that it's fine for political, cultural and financial elites to exempt themselves from the rules they demand everyone else obey.

Anger at that is practically instinctive.

Glenn Greenwald

Man any time I take the moral foundation test I always score extremely high in loyalty but extremely low in authority I wonder what what that says about me.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.