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Hay You!

Yes You!

Go touch some grass your going to need it after cooming for 19 hour's straight.

I Feel horny, but not for lust. I feel horny for a girlfriend and companionship.

You know we live in a society when dog breeders make movie posters for their upcoming breeds, and they look better than what Hollywood would do.
Imagine your final moments on Earth as you're being stabbed to death being forever captured in a Nikocado video.

Alternatively, imagine being the judge that has to watch it as a piece of evidence in a murder trial.
Alright, what do you guys think

God why did this have to happen at like 2:00 a.m. in the morning oh God

Every now and then, which means once every, I would say 7 to 8 months I have an existential crisis about existence and the fragility of life and its meaning and how I am extremely scared of death, god I'm freaking out I'm not even 25 and I keep having the equivalent of the midlife crisis god god god I'm going to try and play a game to distract myself and then go to sleep as fast as I can but oh my God why is it so scary why are we like this I just want a answer and no one on this rock has one. God, I wish I had a answer please....

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.