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Once again Hasan proves himself.

The Arkansas governor response to a tweet of hummus protesters and says that we should make a law to get them out of the street & to arrest them.

Hasan then decides to quote tweet the governor by posting the instructions on how to make that makeshift gun that killed the former Japanese prime minister.

Young guys need better role models and if they can't have them at home than the least we could do is get rid of these sex trafficking grifters and their bullshit advice

> fire captain calls ambulance because burnt child
> ambulance doesn't bother showing up for 20 minutes
> says fuck it we ball :neocat_cool: drives the kid to the hospital in the fire truck
> gets fired
> [Everyone hated that]

I keep having dreams of a area of my world.

It's a vast ocean that's completely still.

The Grand structure is a flat price of glass that you can walk on top of the water, with pillers carved / made of blue & purple crystals. With astrological blueprints and charts holographicly in the sky with a great nebula hanging with biblically accurate angels making stars.

A waterfall flowing from the heavens themselves with a glowing sunlight statue at the very bottom praying to something. The statue is visibly crying and has crystals on the bottom of it.

I don't know why I keep dreaming about this???

something something putting the gift before the horses mouth but i am only like 30 minutes away from having successfully installed over 50 mods on oblivion

grub: lets you do this
systemd-boot: doesn't let you do this

i think it's obvious which bootloader is better
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Game Liberty Mastodon

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