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You weebs merely adopted the society, we gamers were born into it. Molded by it. I never saw coochie until I was an incel. And it was blinding!

VD-15 boosted
VD-15 boosted
VD-15 boosted
VD-15 boosted
@sjw @matrix @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @lain @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @kurisu @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @YourNewWaifu @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw @VD15 @sjw @sjw @sjw @sjw
>One morning I wake up, sense something's wrong
>It's quiet, too quiet
>no traffic on the road, no birds tweeting
>quickly throw on some clothes, go outside
>there are a thousand thousand blonde anime girls standing outside my house, blocking all the roads, staring silently at my house
>SJW has come for my soul
> slowly it begins, one or two at a time at first, but growing louder and coming faster by the second, they voice their battle cries from a thousand thousand tongues: "uwu.. uwu...uWU. UWU! UUWUUU!!!"
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.