Flashback to the 2012 VP debate.
Biden is asked why the Obama administration blamed the Benghazi attack on a protest and why they didn't provide more security after it was requested by the Americans in Benghazi.
Biden blames the Intelligence Community and then lies, completely lies and claims that the team in Benghazi never requested more security.
When you see Democrats praising Biden as a "good man," never forget what a POS he is.
TIL human sweat is the most extreme and distinctively human evolutionary trait as a whole.
#til #todayilearned
Only the left, #democrats and the brother of #COVID-Cuomo could come up with such an insane statement. Anyone who thinks Asians in the USA are responsible for COVID are all democrat voters and supporters. We all know what race is perpetrating hate crimes against Asians in the cities and they vote 90% democrat. Saying that Asians in the USA are somehow responsible for COVID is synonymous with boycotting Chinese food restaurants because China bombed an US Navy, aircraft carrier. That's the kind of lunacy only a democrat and the #socialist left would tolerate.
I agree, make your own #DIY Eggshell Calcium Powder. Although I suggest boiling the shells, drying them in your oven at between 150 - 200 degrees Fahrenheit, grinding them up in a coffee grinder and or mortar and pestle then, buy some pharmacy grade "00" or "000" empty capsules and fill them up with your #calcium powder and it will go down painlessly.
US nuclear sub met by protests in Norway. #Liberals are liberals everywhere, aren't they? These people are hardly liberal, I don't even know why we continue to call them that. They're just miserable little whiners and socialist scum to boot. Anyway, one of the protesters was concerned that the nuclear submarine may have nuclear weapons on board. Imagine that. No pal, just water cannons.
I found this article on a subject near and dear to my heart. Although, the author can hardly be taken seriously. I've always been of the opinion that if one can accomplish small tasks well, then there is the potential to attempt larger and larger tasks and do them well too. Here we have a person who writes, in this particular article, of language and linguistics, yet doesn't seem to know the differences between the words know and no. One would assume, that he has read his own article and would have had ample time for corrections to be made. While he/she makes the startling pronouncement that "English is English," one would hope that he/she will eventually realize that, as enlightening as that revelation is, no is not know, except in that movie "Idiocracy." #grammar-nazi #language
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”
“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but, they while their companions slept, they were toiling upwards in the night.”