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If you don't see how this suggestion of yours would be used to manipulate people, I don't know what to say.... I guess you just don't understand, and I'll leave it at that.

Autosuggest is far different than what you're suggesting, of highlighting every word in a post that could be marked as a hashtag.

Autosuggest works as a search function, that helps you find the correct tag when you're trying to hashtag something.

What you're describing is for pestering the user to hashtag something even when maybe they weren't thinking about doing it initially. The addictive element comes from punishing users by annoying them when they don't # a word; and then receiving or being promised to receive incentives for hashtagging every word.

Maybe you don't see it, but having constant suggestions on how every few words should be a hashtag is precisely the typical reinforcement thing that enables addiction behavior.

It works best because it offers the biggest before/after contrast, but it also works worst, because it completely ignores the intended art direction of the original game.

Maybe Minecraft didn't have much of an art direction, cause it was just the passion project of 1 person, but Morrowind, Quake, Portal 1, did have one. And I promise you, these ports didn't give 2 fucks to even try to understand it.

While I am impressed on the technical front by these ports, so far I haven't seen one that I actually respect as a game. I can't see them as anything more than tech demos.

>it would be to gently highlight words in the post you're typing that have been hashtagged frequently, and quietly suggest that you add the hash symbol to them

Thanks, I hate it. That sounds like a dystopian nightmare feature Facebook would implement.

Let me post and talk about what I want, the way that I want to. Stop trying to manipulate how I type out things, stop trying to push what I should say, stop trying to transform me into a mindless content creating algorithm. I'm a human being, not a function of your source code.
That's how I'd respond to this if Facebook or Twitter implemented this.

When I think of RTX, I instinctually want to jokingly associate it with a game who's main thing is NOT having realistic or fancy graphics, to emphasize how shallow the push for it is. But then I remember Minecraft RTX is a thing, and I feel like I'm stuck in a world were satire became reality. I can't even use retro games anymore to make my point, because Quake 1 RTX is getting released now.

What even is this timeline?

I initially thought it said "What french hell is this?"...
... I mean... it IS Canada. It makes sense.

@special-boy @Chet
If you have no morals, and only care about winning, then you're the type of person that would justify raping children if it offered them a political advantage.

I love how petty her complaint is, only for the people responding to her to show themselves as being even more stupid.

I love that people are discovering brand new levels of stupid.

Don't use children for political propaganda.
I don't care who you are. I don't care if I agree with your politics or not. I'll never agree with children being used to fight an adult's war.

I think recently Linus has managed to find things even more petty than 1st world issues to complain about, and it's starting to annoy me ever so slightly.

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