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@Suiseiseki @deadheat
Do you understand how gay you sound right now? You could have someone literally sucking Bill Gate's dick, and they still wouldn't be gayer than you.

@Suiseiseki @deadheat
Man... I'm getting such a turn on for Microsoft right now. I might just install Windows later today.

@LukeAlmighty Really, people are still on about that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This and the gay cake thing are gonna be things people will forever debate because they're just that dumb.
Coffee IS supposed to be too hot to drink when you get a fresh cup, and wedding cakes are an art form, hence free speech prevails. No gay wedding cake if I don't want to make it.

@icedquinn I try to use open source too, but I'm not fanatical about it. If something is closed source, and works better for my needs, I'll use it proudly (I add "proudly" to piss off people who are religious about open source/free software).

the ceo thing that happened 

Yes, truly. The rational thing a company should do is say "let's jeopardize the entire company and the financial future of its employees by taking time to mourn the passing of the CEO". How long do you think its appropriate for a company to suspend things because a person died? Maybe a month or two? I think that should be enough. And obviously, every death of any employee should receive the same treatment. Companies should clearly always take time to mourn the dead.

Yes, that was all very passive aggressive sarcasm. I'm not a fan of the CEO assassination idea, but that doesn't mean a CEO gets to be treated any differently from any other employee. When an employee is no longer available, and the job needs to be filed, the company will employ whoever it can ASAP. That's life. Especially for a position like the CEO, the jobs of many more people are at risk if there isn't someone there doing his job. Anything less than immediately replacing the CEO is a dereliction of duty towards everyone involved with the company, whether it's business partners, employees, stock holders or even clients.

@icedquinn Knowing fedi, you're probably supposed to open things in nano or something. Maybe vim. Just be a rational human, and find a hex editor that works well for you, and screw people who complain about open source, closed source, etc.

>news headline
>man burns car after fight with girlfriend
I'm sorry, but that's a woman. That's not a man thing to do, that's clearly a woman move.
If this headline had come from any other country than my own, I would have assumed this person was a transgender.

@milk That's not furniture. That's saw dust held together with glue and screws.

@Nudhul @mushroom_soup @ElDeadKennedy
No. That's the way Brits have to define themselves, cause they got beat in a war.
Romanians basically worship USA. I, and many of my generation, grew up with American movies and shows, we were steeped in American culture, American values. You'd have Romanian children growing up dreaming to be Americans.

@mushroom_soup Isn't The Odyssey like an ancient Greek story? I didn't study it either, but what am I missing here? Why would someone think it's an American thing?

@icedquinn Ever since I played around with lucid dreaming about 15 years ago, there's always a tiny bit of awareness in my dreams. It's why I can usually figure out "wait, you're not supposed to do that" when something stupid happens in the dream, before I wake up. And it's likely why I don't get something like hard drives speaking or being happy.

If something really crazy does happen, I basically realize it's a dream, and I instinctively start nudging the dream into rational territory.

But the downside to lucid dreaming for me has always been that such nudging also causes me to slowly wake up. Conscious interventions like "this didn't actually happen, I didn't actually wash my hard drives" work well to calm the nerves and turn a nightmare back into just a dream, but I just wake up fairly quickly after.

Had a dream that I gave my hard drives a bath... literally dunked a dozen HDDs in a tub full of water. A few 2.5" ones somehow had a translucent case, and I could see them being half-filled with water.

What the hell was my brain thinking?! I don't even know if I can call this a dream or a nightmare. The whole thing was definitely shocking enough that, half-way through the dream, my brain realized "what the hell did I just do!". The rest of the dream was me trying to calculate what are the odds that if I let them dry out, that they'll work again.

All I can say is, I've never woken up and be more thankful that it was just a dream.

@Curvin I've seen only a handful of clips of her, but every time it's an example of her being dreadful at it.

🔲 Verify that you're submissive and breedable

@j @sun
Moral of the story: don't touch grass. Weird shit happens.

@j Wasn't there a Man In Black joke about an alien who had testicles in his chin? This reminds me of that.

@goo Maybe, but your bush isn't the Bible bush.

>God's voice came from a burning bush
Ironic, since if your bush gets burned, all you'll be left with is apparently "pedo" material.

@graf @r000t
This is probably my favorite evolution of this meme so far.

@grizzlywhisker @j
No. Studies have shown boobs sag more with age when women wear bras than when they don't.

When your body notices it doesn't have to put in the work to keep it working well (because of outside intervention) then it stops doing it. That's why your body stops producing testosterone if you start getting it by other means, or a woman's body doesn't bother strengthening the tissue that keeps boobs firm when they wear bras.

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