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Remember that time China bragged that they released a high end desktop CPU, but it turned out it was just a rebranded Intel CPU a couple of generations old? Just make sure you don't blindly trust whatever China says. And we also can't exactly rely on western journalists to investigate and benchmark these things either, cause we know just how incompetent they are at everything.

@j @LukeAlmighty @matrix
Weirdly enough, these drop off points can be more convenient for all parties involved.

For the customer, maybe you're not at home at the scheduled delivery time. And maybe you don't want the package to just be left at the door, in case someone tries stealing it. Also, where I leave, I don't think delivery drivers are even allowed to do that. When I get a package, I need to give them a code sent to me via SMS from the store to confirm that I'm the client who ordered it.
And maybe I'm just a misanthrope and I don't want to deal with a human to get a package. But if the package is delivered to one of these drop off boxes, I can just swing by it when I return from work or whatever, and pick it up. The drop boxes are widespread enough that there's little extra walking I need to do to detour to one on an outside trip.

And for the driver, he has a simpler delivery route, with less stops, less fuel usage, etc. More environmentally friendly, more traffic friendly, and the driver can focus more time on delivering to the customers who specifically ask for things to be delivered straight to them because it's more urgent.

@Mr_NutterButter Because we're better than you.

Jokes aside, maybe what you're noticing is just the more left-wing mindset of people.

1) This is basically why I hate modern "pixel art", it completely misses the point of why and how old pixel art was made, it misses that it worked together with how CRTs worked to make images look smooth but also detailed. Modern "pixel art" video games belong in a trash compactor for the heresy they're committing.
2) Nice photoshop.

@LukeAlmighty The other day I was listening to a normal Linux podcast, and they had someone from Wikipedia on, arguing that the site is definitely not politically biased. As you can imagine, I wasn't in the mood and skipped the episode immediately. Point is, there's a lot of liars out there.

@PinochetsCommieCopter And the nerve on the guy pretending that he's a victim now, cause he's somehow so scared of what may happen. Fuck off bitch, nothing will happen and you know it. What, your father will refuse to talk to you? Go cry me a river.

@djsumdog Why does Alex Jones look like Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) in that first picture?

Anyone thinking this is a loss is stupid. Now Trump gets to appeal this, probably throwing it all the way to the Supreme Court, where they can rule on it and potentially make it the law of the land.
An executive order can be reversed by the next Democrat president. But if the Supreme Court rules in favor, you forever fixed your system.

@matrix Well... I gave the entire thing a read. And I have to say, it's up there next to Zoe Quinn's leaked book as one of the most retarded things I've ever read.

Why is it, that every single time I hear someone talking about dog-whisteling, it's the oposition hearing message that isn't there, instead of supporters hearing it?

Doesn't that mean, that every discussed case of it is by definition not a dog-whistle?

@ooignignoktoo @cowanon @Tadg_macNuadat
Even without the mentioning of non-halal food, if you can't figure out which religion people could literally be bullied into converting to, especially in UK of all places, I'm sorry to say this, but you're just a complete imbecile that is unable to pay attention to current events.

Who the fuck would you think would do something like this? The Buddhists? Oh yeah, I definitely see them threatening people. The Hindus? "You drink this cow piss right now, and praise Vishnu, or else!". The Catholics? Only if you consider priestly sodomy as bullying. Of fucking course it's the Islamists. Muslims have been converting nations by threat of force and war for millennia. It's not a new MO for them. Pretty sure it's in the Quran.

The funny thing about the "incel" problem is that a lot of them would have been OK with living a lonely life as long as they got to contribute to the success of their own people who value them for other reasons, but you took that away from them, too.

Men want women. If they can't get 'em, a lot of them will settle for companionship and appreciation, which looks like...

- building a church or a new state capitol building and having your work appreciated by everyone

- teaching something you know to local kids

- having a men's group that goes hunting, shooting, bowling, or whatever gives them a sense of accomplishment and belonging

- being an isolated artist or philosopher, a loner genius of some sort

- even just having a regular job that helps people that you care about, like the janitor from my elementary school who used to help all the kids open their snacks because no one treated him like an inferior for being a janitor

But none of those things are available to today's "incels" because you insisted on importing the entire 3rd world and instructing them to stick their middle fingers up at us as they eat for free on our dime. No one wants to contribute to that filth.

You may not have "felt" it yet, but more and more people don't have a "place." Nowhere they belong. Strangers in the land where they were born. If they're not GETTING anything, and they have no one to GIVE to, what do they do?

Oh, and then you made their video games gay and black too, so they didn't have anywhere to go be distracted from it all.

I already know the answer to this question, but... how stupid can you be? You denied every possible valuable thing to several generations of men, then abused and humiliated them and ruined everything they liked, and you're surprised that they... didn't like that?

It shouldn't be this hard to understand: you can't ruin millions of people's lives and expect them not to notice.
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