@Moon Tel Aviv
@furgar Wasn't the point that they didn't know he was in the SS and were only disgusted after they found it. They didn't defend him
(it obviously doesn't mean they are bad BTW)
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy They're the least significant digits in the scientific notation. It could for example be to show a margin of error
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty He probably knows how that works. I think he means it's a number notation and not an equation, hence the x10⁻³⁵m
Since it's scientific notation, it might have something to do with the precision. You could include or drop the 18 and it wouldn't change the number by any reasonable fraction
@RealRaul Laura B
@beardalaxy In America? You were never pagan
I use mine more than I do my webbrowser. I think obsessing a little is an obligation
@beardalaxy dismayed, disheartened?
@Owl @ImperialAgent @JSDorn @Ottovonshitpost @Umlaut @Gundog @idea_enjoyer That is more or less what yeshua said
@LukeAlmighty Obesity might be part of it but a big part is British/White ethnic replacement. Pakis and Indians mature faster overall
@jxself Audio
@beardalaxy @latein @LukeAlmighty ctrl-L to reduce it to 1 device
The browser will also show you bookmarks when typing into the url bar based on the bookmark url/title without having to load a page
Also I'd forget shit if I didn't bookmark it
@MK2boogaloo @beardalaxy Crimes
@MK2boogaloo @beardalaxy Beard is a criminal
@LukeAlmighty I prescribe a beer or two (or more)
@mangeurdenuage You can make up retarded hypothetical for or against anything. The police in the anime even admitted that Light lowered crime rates significantly, it was an overall positive
@LukeAlmighty I have no idea. Haven't played it yet. His graphics card is still dead but we got it since it was on sale, and I'm waiting on him to play co-op