Adam Johnson was murdered on the ice by the fucking nigger Matt Petgrave. Don't let anyone tell you this was not intentional. Don't let the fucking nigger's inevitable crocodile tears make you feel anything but hatred for him. I've never seen something more intentional in my life.

You have people all over saying they're worried about Matt Petgrave's mental health after "accidentally killing someone." You don't just accidentally kick someone with an ice skate. If the races of these two had been reversed there would be instant terminations, everything would be a shit show. Fucking remember that. Fuck niggers, and fuck people who will throw their fellow man under the bus to protect them.


@beardalaxy Of course it's this kind of fucker. It's an unspoken rule that if you're the one token black person on the hockey team you are the enforcer. Makes me think of Peter Worrell on the Florida Panthers. He would be sent out, deck a guy instantly, and then take his time out in the penalty box. I think he had the most penalty minutes in the NHL some year he played too.

Won't be long before the whole of professional hockey, every league on every continent, to start going "we stand with the black hockey community :(" now and completely memory hole the dead person as a result of an aggressive nigger.

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