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@DerSauerkraut @bakubased Oh mixed breed indeed :asui_what:... Worst parts of both parents.

@Mogami that's what I thought, they inverted the phrase and meaning so it's the direct opposite — but nah it's still bad because "muh spooky nazis!" @Jdogg247

The FAA grounded Fox News’ drones that were capturing the migrant crisis in Del Rio, Texas.

So local law enforcement took them up in a helicopter

@Jdogg247 "HEY! You used a phrase that I associate with people who I arbitrarily call a horrific group and because they used it nobody else can use it otherwise they must be one of that group!" fedi doesn't put me in bad boy jail for saying nigger, faggot and tranny kys.

@matana I just saw it on the TL that people were bullying them so I wanted to join in. @thraeryn

@Bangcubed black deaths don't matter to the establishment unless a white person causes it. @dave

He was convenient because the regime had decided that domestic disturbances were the best way to go after Trump. Remember they tried it first with the hammer jogger negro in Georgia.

If it wasn't him it would've been something else, nogs be getting lit the fuck up by cops all the time. Anybody pretending this was anything but an extended regime propaganda operation is a retard. Negros die violently every weekend in Chicago, nobody cares, because those deaths aren't politically useful.


@dave Nobody would give a shit if it was a white man, change my mind. The only reason everyone's all bent out of shape about it is because Floyd was a nigger. @Bangcubed

@dave Once again my state continues to disappoint me. I hate it here.

"I kind of like being White."


"'Oppress'? That's a big word. What does it mean?"

"It's when you have children and don't let millions of Africans into your home town."

"Oh, interesting..."
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