@becassine the only thing I don't like about this picture is that sons should learn how to cook as well
@BillJohnson @shadow sir this is a Wendy's
@shadow @BillJohnson did I miss something, because I like dick and do none of this.
@matana People were surprised when I mentioned that I'm originally from Canada but lived half my life in the USA.
One person, with complete seriousness, said "say something Canadian!"
People are morons.
@nosleep Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noël.
@verita84 lol, you get what you deserve.
@rasterman I am an entity of chaos, men fear me, women are confused by me, the animals and I have a strange agreement. Gays are confused and horny. I am unbound by the laws of logic. @SneedsterSpeedster @ChristiJunior @apropos @DK_Dharmaraj
@SneedsterSpeedster like the Holocaust, I can't deny something that isn't real. @ChristiJunior @rasterman @apropos @DK_Dharmaraj
@ChristiJunior Buck breaking never happened because it's not like there were better White men to choose from. It's like yeeting a gemstone to pick up a rock. @rasterman @apropos @DK_Dharmaraj
@LouisConde >mfw all the trash in the gay scene is filtered just by being a pureblood.
All the work is done for me! Awesome!
Useful phase in Japanese.
@Misato note for readers: "maru" is simply a placeholder here.
@Jdogg247 the winter of their discontent
@matana battle grandmas are mage class, you don't see them because they prefer it
Zoomer himbo. I like dudes.