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@becassine the only thing I don't like about this picture is that sons should learn how to cook as well

@shadow @BillJohnson did I miss something, because I like dick and do none of this.

@matana People were surprised when I mentioned that I'm originally from Canada but lived half my life in the USA.

One person, with complete seriousness, said "say something Canadian!"

People are morons.

Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle -
Un flambeau! Courons au berceau!
C'est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau.
Le Christ est né; Marie appelle!
Ah! Ah! Que la Mère est belle,
Ah! Ah! Que l'Enfant est beau!

Probably hitting up the bars after work, seeing if I can con stupid old fags into giving me free drinks and shit.
«oui, j'toé joué, mais t'aimes-tu, ne?»

@rasterman I am an entity of chaos, men fear me, women are confused by me, the animals and I have a strange agreement. Gays are confused and horny. I am unbound by the laws of logic. @SneedsterSpeedster @ChristiJunior @apropos @DK_Dharmaraj

@ChristiJunior Buck breaking never happened because it's not like there were better White men to choose from. It's like yeeting a gemstone to pick up a rock. @rasterman @apropos @DK_Dharmaraj

@LouisConde >mfw all the trash in the gay scene is filtered just by being a pureblood.

All the work is done for me! Awesome!

Does anyone else think we should just abolish the White House Press Corps and have the Press Secretary livestream while answering superchat questions?

Useful phase in Japanese. 

@Misato note for readers: "maru" is simply a placeholder here.

So this guy apparently has 4 wives.

I choose an alternate reality where he has one wife (because children) and 3 husbands.

@matana battle grandmas are mage class, you don't see them because they prefer it

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