@LukeAlmighty By intelligent I would mean, actually capable of demanding intellectual tasks, not just well above average.

That is quite a harsh definition. You're running a web server. That requires some intelligence.

@LukeAlmighty Yeah but it also isn't extremely difficult. Math is harder. Writing code that isn't just barely working is harder
I also think that "Believes themselves to be intelligent" implies Dunning Krueger

@matrix @LukeAlmighty i think the fact you even know about dunning kruger is enough to say you're intelligent lol.

@beardalaxy @matrix
It would, if it wasn't literally one of the "look at me, I'm so smart" topics.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix i know the concept but i've never actually heard the dude's name before tbh

@beardalaxy @matrix
Weird, because I heard their names so many times before... Their names have literally became a phrase.

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