@LukeAlmighty By intelligent I would mean, actually capable of demanding intellectual tasks, not just well above average.

That is quite a harsh definition. You're running a web server. That requires some intelligence.

@LukeAlmighty Yeah but it also isn't extremely difficult. Math is harder. Writing code that isn't just barely working is harder
I also think that "Believes themselves to be intelligent" implies Dunning Krueger

@matrix @LukeAlmighty i think the fact you even know about dunning kruger is enough to say you're intelligent lol.

@beardalaxy @matrix
It would, if it wasn't literally one of the "look at me, I'm so smart" topics.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix i know the concept but i've never actually heard the dude's name before tbh

@beardalaxy @matrix
Weird, because I heard their names so many times before... Their names have literally became a phrase.

@matrix @VD15 I feel like "never friendzoned because he's too scared to ask" would be more of a loser thing, being rejected requires you to try, and most normies end up with at least a few rejections
@matrix @VD15 forgot the 1am sleep thingy but i did go to sleep before yesterday and day before so eh
@dcc @matrix @VD15 dreams are just imagination feedback loop fueled by random impulses of sleep diagnostics routine
@VD15 @dcc @matrix @hj homie if my dreams were boring shit like "going to work" but it's in a dream, i would have used a "troubleshooter" in my brain long ago
@hj @matrix @VD15 I mean think of this, you can't see dreams. How can you imagine dreams with the subcontinuous while you are asleep?
@dcc @matrix @VD15 you can't see real world either, its your imagination interpreting signal from eyes
@hj @matrix @VD15 Thats a signal from your eyes, what signal is there when you "dream"
@hj @matrix @VD15 How would the subcontinuous get signals from their
@dcc @matrix @VD15 it gets signals from all over the body all the time, just that during sleep there isn't much happening so it latches onto background noise of spinal cord and pattern-finding kicks in and misinterprets noise as something, which causes more activity and the cycle continues at higher rate - pattern matching causes more background noise which means pattern matching gets more to latch on, etc
@hj @dcc @matrix @VD15
Dude, my number is 808-368-9022
If you want yell, let’s yell
Fucken card! I'm never gonna win at this game 😑. I think I only checked 2-3 boxes. Fuck... I'm aggressively well adjusted...

@matrix i hate that tiles like not driving or playing sports regularly are directly related to my epilepsy :feelsbadman:

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