@xianc78 I don't think that will happen. I think Trump will probably work to at least get taxes trimmed down though.
@beardalaxy Trump is making huge promises. I feel like it's either he's going to have to fulfill those promises or the masses are going to revolt.
COVID has already destroyed a lot of faith that people still had in government. I don't think that even the most diehard Trump supporters can tolerate any more broken promises.
@beardalaxy @RK7 I thought Trump is known to sit up straight most of the time. I kind of sit in the same position Trump usually sits when there is no desk in front of me. I even make that same "hand triangle" near my crotch just like him. I had a nurse point that out to me once.
Maybe he had to bend down slightly for the desk mic. I noticed that nobody was wearing headphones, but it's been a while since I've watched Joe Rogan.
@xianc78 @RK7 as far as appearing to be a similar height as trump when they're sitting, that's an insane hoop to jump through. trump could just have longer legs. or worse sitting posture.