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yeah it's just on hard but man that was all of my concentration to get that xD

singing brain power at a wedding

i've never even been in a room with someone else that knows wtf brain power is

something to warm the cockles of all you heathens this brisk sunday morning

so when katy perry wants to fuck an alien it's totally fine, but when I WANT TO FUCK AN ALIEN all the sudden i'm crazy

(art: eymbee)

was LITERALLY as bad if not WORSE than 9/11. the day democracy was almost LOST FOREVER.

Holy shit, what a blast from the past.
I never got to play Flyff because my PC sucked. I'm surprised it still exists.
Anyone have experience with it?

ethically sourced playboy bunnies 

prompt: realistic photo of a 20 year old girl, shiny black leotard, fishnet tights, bunny ear headband, bunny tail, mansion background, large breasts, platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes

negative prompt: missing digits, extra digits, missing fingers, missing toes, extra fingers, extra toes, detached limbs, missing limbs, 2d, 3dcg, anime, painting, closeup, portrait, bellybutton piercing, ((blurry)), black skin, male, spread pussy, low quality

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.