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vinny got his 5mil and 50mil minutes watched twitch awards as well as 1000 coffee sleeves for some reason

this new character in suicide squad is a mashup of a white(hispanic?) girl who is a minor character and a one-off white dude from 1989. wtf are they even doing anymore?

game dev 

progress on the map for my little grandma's house remake. you can see the white flowers pop up and have a 3d shape.

i need to figure out how to get the dense flowers to pop up a bit too... I think I'm going to have to turn it into a short wall that the player can just walk through. only the top of their head will stick out.

i also still need to add trees, which will have these same sort of shapes as the 3d flowers do. there are quite a lot of them in this area so it will change the look drastically. in the original game, they are all dead... however that doesn't make too much sense when there is so much life around them. they look spooky, but i think i'll turn them into normal trees.

the second image is how the game originally looks, just to give a bit of a comparison.

I don't know how I missed this but apparently the next software from the RPG Maker series is "Action Game Maker" and it looks pretty good. I've no interest in making an action game, but I have friends that really want to so I hope it works well for them. It's also made in Godot instead of the absolute failed attempt of RPG Maker Unite being made in Unity, so prospects are much better there.

here's what i got lmao, and brave's right next to it which has always given me better ai results

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THIS. Kids don't deserve being fed fucking slop all the time.

Nagatoro Bunny Suit figure by FREEring 

There is just one glaring issue, and it's that the base is incorrect! Not so bad that it prevents the figure from standing, but the hole for the right foot doesn't line up.
The base itself is also super glossy and has already attracted several finger prints. I really wish we could collectively decide to eradicate glossy surfaces like these.

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Nagatoro Bunny Suit figure by FREEring 

It's a very good figure overall! Although it looks like you might get to sneak a peek under her top, in typical Nagatoro fashion she's just teasing you!
The fishnet is made of natural material instead of plastic, so that's a nice touch.
The tanlines are very nice as well!

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