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beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

Happy Halloween! Halloween day is also day 31 of #lolitober which means today's prompt is "pumpkin".

To celebrate I have all the Candy Universe girls from these last 30 days... sadly the dragon couldn't make it, he had to teach Halloween night. Poor guy, I'm sure he would have loved to have the opportunity to chaperone all these adorable lolis.

#Halloween #pumpkin #poster #cute #loli #SFW #costume #blonde #brunette #lolitober2024 #tattoo #barefoot #feet #belly #ear #openmouth #heterochromia

@Kagekokoro @teto yeah it's coming out next year, took 9 years to make (albeit on and off). It'll be free too.

@PafuPafuVt @professionalbigot69 crazy that you can get a visit from the FBI but won't get banned on YouTube

beard :meru_dab: boosted
The fucking FBI came to my house this morning
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

@LukeAlmighty it's just important that whenever young men being up Andrew Tate that you let them know he's still an extremely shitty person.

It's the fight of the Ronald McDonalds
Nothing's gonna stop them from killing each other
They're gonna kill each other til the end of time comes along
Na Na na na na na na na
Oh look the black one just died

@RehnSturm256 nobody comes trick or treating in my neighborhood so instead I put candy in my instrument case while I was performing at the beginning of the month.

beard :meru_dab: boosted

I dont have any candy for trick or tweaters should they show up… :catstand: I eated it

beard :meru_dab: boosted
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