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beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted


This new singer's voice is so stellar, once it hit the chorus I couldn't help but smile! Sounds almost like a female Chester and that's a high bar. We'll have to see how the rest of the album goes!

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
@Alice @ChristiJunior Midna was in the contest last year, but got eliminated in round 1 because uncultured swine didn't know who she was and dismissed her as a Furry.
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
Well, THAT match is gonna be hard to top, but let’s hope for another fun one:

Reisalin Stout/Ryza (Atelier Ryza) VS Zelda (Legend of Zelda series)

Atelier’s breakout Thicc Thighs alchemist or Legend of Zelda’s eponymous princess, who will you choose?

Use this link to see the full, updated results if you're on a non-DRC instance:

beard :meru_dab: boosted
Barring a sudden crazy poll update, it looks like Misty clutched it out, by 4 votes, stunning Marisa.
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beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

Asmongold: "I can do anything I want. I can go downstairs and I can slit my own fucking throat. If I can do that, then I can eat a fucking protein bar in the morning. I have absolute control over my own life, and if I want it, even my own death."

You are the captain of your own soul. People who tell you otherwise are putting their insecurity and their lack of control onto you in order to feel better about themselves.

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

wtf there is an until dawn remake coming out? who the hell asked for that and why is it being made?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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