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:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
I litcherally don't have a sleep schedule right now

vinny played this game:

Castlevania ReVamped. Looks super interesting. Basically takes Castlevania 1 and makes it a bit more like a metroidvania while giving it some other cool mechanics. It's no longer stage-based like the original and the balance was been completely reworked. Thinking about playing it... definitely not the Castlevania I know and love but it still looks really fun.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

Slight doom posting 

With each passing day, I acknowledge more that I may end up just being the cool uncle. Kids think I'm fucking awesome. I just lack the ability to be appealing to anybody that wants kids. It's not even a self-confidence thing, the fact of the matter is that there are guys in the dating pool at all times much more capable than I am and I don't have the looks to back up the areas where I'm lacking. I think I would make a great spouse and a great dad, but the woman who also sees and believes that would have to be incredibly patient and supportive and we kind of live in a time where you don't need to be patient, and being supportive of yourself is already hard enough for a lot of people.

And of course, the one girl that was like that I had to go and screw things up with. I'm still malding about that even ten years later :meru_lul: would have maybe been another one too, but religion mismatch killed it for her.

Lol, tried to wash off a new vitiligo spot in the shower because I thought it was soap xD

age gap rant 

mmm just got a nice dose of NPCs thinking that 6 year age gaps between consenting adults is weird. "mmm so that frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet huh?" okay dumbass how about we cut out anyone below 25 from the voting pool then huh? just make the age of consent hardline at 25. see how well that blows over.

the best one was this: "I’m 27 and have zero in common with a 19 or 20 year old. Why would anyone over 25 consider even entertaining the idea of talking to an 18 year old."

i'm 28 and have friends who are just out of high school this year. i have more in common with them than some people my age. my younger sister is 20 and i've got a lot in common with her even disregarding her being my sibling. it's almost like how long you've been on the earth isn't totally correlated to how much in common you have with someone else. i was friends with people 8-10 years older than me when i was 20 too. why? because they were cool and we had shared interests. hell, idk if he necessarily considered me a "friend" or not, but my second cousin growing up was about 10 years older than me, autistic guy, really cool, and i always wanted to go hang out with him.

i think these people are just extremely antisocial and full of brainrot. it's one big skill issue. i'd rather hang out with a 16 year old who is into anime and video games than someone who is my age that can be described in no other way than "sex clown."

it's also a little bit alarming, as if some of these people might not want to hang out with anyone younger than them because they're afraid they'll control them or do something worse. i've actually really enjoyed being a friend to people in high school, because it's a rough time and it was always good to give them a positive image of someone who made it through that rough time and is willing to extend a hand. people who think in the opposite way might be a bit twisted.

i think there is also this aspect of "i'm older and therefore wiser and i never make mistakes, people younger than me are stupid though so i shall not talk to them!" as if i never do anything dumb. it's a lot easier to see fault in others than in yourself. yes, there can be a lack of experience/maturity than can lead to dumb decisions, of course, but a whole slew of other things can too. there's this little thing called a MID-LIFE CRISIS for a reason. people do stupid shit all the time. as a self-proclaimed "fully developed" 27 year old, how the fuck are you not cognizant enough of the world around you and life in general to not realize that?

braindead fucking NPCs dude.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

ohhh i see what's happening, the delivery charge is being added to the discounted total, then the sales tax is being added to those to make up the order total. wtf kind of math is going on here lol.

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i'm still gonna' order the pizza but can anybody tell me how this makes sense? am i just retarded? shouldn't the discounted total be 12.99, not 16.98?? o.0

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
math teachers: :neocat_bottom: you gotta do arithmetic by hand guys you gotta do it all rote and tedium
actual inventors of calculus: :blobfoxdisapprove: i would have committed actual murder to have one of these counting machines of yours
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
selling 50k copies of a 20$ good
1mil$, very nice :blobcatthinkOwO:

valve: :blobcatdeficit: i'm taking 30% of it
700k, not too bad :neocat_thonk:

social security: :blobcatburglar: i'm taking 15% of whats left for some congressmans third triple bypass
~600k :blobcatangry: well this is still a nice amount of money
IRS: :revblobfoxpeekknife: you made too much money i'm taking 20-30% as income tax

476k$ :blobcatangery: why is it i did all the work and 50% of my income turned to vapors

finally got all the voice lines recorded for the game. now to master them and do just a bit more tweaking to the audio levels!

testing is going well too so far. i'd prefer if it would be better, since there's legitimately only one dude doing the testing so far.... but hopefully that'll be remedied when we get to the wider test. still, he's found a lot of stuff.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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