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FFXVI coming to PC on 9/17!

Demo currently up on Steam! No Epic exclusivity!! And it launched at $50!

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

you can, however, do this but I am sure they'll patch it out
I also chose "none" pronouns and they use pronouns to refer to me! rude 💀

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LMAO, the guys over on the No Man's Sky Reddit gaslighted journalists into reporting about a secret boss battle in the latest update that doesn't exist.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

@ECO19 Oh yeah Soda, I used to see him all the time on JCM2's posts.

Dude's gotta lotta free time

And then JCM2 started drawing him:

(By the way, I don't mean to post another artist's work, but I was makin' a point)

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

Wtf these guys last week asked if I wanted to play for their music festival, I emailed them a few days later, then they just responded and said the schedule was totally full??

looking at rpg architect right now... man, this might be the one i go with guys. it's rpg maker on steroids. i wish it was around when i started working on god's disdain because it would have made so many things i wanted to do but didn't have enough time/willpower incredibly easy, and things i did even easier.

it does have 3d support too. i don't think i'm going to go all-in on 3d, but having 3d environments with 2d sprites i think is a good compromise there.

the engine does cost $50, but once you own it that's it, free updates and everything.

i was also looking at rpg in a box, with their voxel based stuff and the new low-poly model they are releasing at some point in the future. that looks super intriguing too, definitely would be a lot more work and a steeper learning curve but i think it would still be easier than godot.

at the moment, those are the two i'm keeping an eye on.

beard music recommendations! 

here's what i've been listening to a lot over the past month or two!

Cheerleader by Porter Robinson:
Very catchy song with a story I can relate to. Porter Robinson's melody and synths are as unique as ever with a pop-punk veneer on top of it all and his voice works really well for this style too. It's chaotic and moe, but still leaves room for Parker's voice to shine whenever there are vocals introduced into the mix.

Roc Sh!t by UnityTX:
This is heavy metal as hell and gets me motivated. Nu-metal has never sounded this close to metal while still sounding so close to hip-hop and it's an insanely good blend of both genres. I can imagine a concert for these guys being absolutely insane. The vocalist is super talented, doing everything from the rapping to the screams.

Hard To Say Goodbye by Johnny Stimson:
Best way to describe this is SUPER SMOOTH! The flow of the lyrics, the content of them, and the instrumental are all going to make you want to groove. It's definitely a feel-good song that I like listening to when I'm riding or walking just to peace out for a bit.

Landmines by Sum 41:
A surprising amount of Sum 41's latest album is top notch, but this is my pick from it. Classic pop-punk in the best kind of way. Catchy lyrics and hooks plus Sum 41's signature refrains with explosive choruses are all here. If you told me this was recorded 20 years ago, I'd believe you, and that's a good thing.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

Tfw no daughter to hug you and pat on the head :feels_lain_man:

My cheese has been becoming moldy super fast too and I don't know what's going on with that. Like it'll go moldy within a couple weeks. I had a package of cheese that went moldy before I even opened it.

I swear I'm not a dirty person. Have never had issues like this anywhere I've lived my entire life. I think we had rats back when I was a kid and we lived in a rural area but that's it. The bugs and some of this other shit have given me paranoia so bad I can't sleep sometimes.

I wonder if it's something with my dumbass messy roommate.... :meru_concern: can't wait to get out of here.

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I just saw a black tendril shoot out from the wall behind my stove :meru_concern: wtf is going on with this place?? I don't know if it's worse that it was actually there, or if it was me hallucinating...

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