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oh no, the instance is starting to lag again...

So, last night i downloaded a spanish fansub of the Shirobako Movie, but the translation is ATROCIOUS, it's like they just copypasted what came out of the translator without any kind of interpretation or quality control going on. I'll watch it regardless of that, but i feel i will need a second watch once the real subtitles are completed to understand the movie entirely.

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Plants are very advanced creatures. They managed to survive just by standing in sunlight.
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@hideki It's ok to say wrong things to have fun online, is what I thought to myself as I was heading back home.
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@hideki @orekix
And I really wanted to share more, but I can't remember nor find the title of those stories I still remember. I'll just quickly describe what I've forgotten:
- At the beginning of the story the main character notices buildings in an unnusual spot, she asked some old lady about it she told her that it's probably that darn elven building techniques that can raise skycrapers in weeks. It wasn't that though. Actually it was a part of an endless city, spanning across all civilizations and possible architectures, outside of normal space and time. And it also slowly turns you into the same stuff the city is made of.
- A story about a boy who was a sloth. Then he met a girl and they banged a lot, she promised him to bang him if he betters himself, so the boy starts actually caring about himself. One day he overhears his parents talking about that slut they hired to motivate their son. He was so mad he decided to leave the planet, and to do that he used that programs a friend of his gave him recently - normally he wouldn't be able to leave the planet, and bypassing systems is higly illegal. But this program was more advanced than anything, and helped him to do a lot. Somewhere else there was a colony embracing for the arrival of the corporation that sent the people there some generations ago and wanted to collect resources. The corporation was ancient at this point, and barely making profit - which wasn't their goal. The same corporation recently started packing people into big colonization ships that they sent trought one time use massive gates, that become higly iridiated after use, they wanted to spread humanity as much as possible. A woman at that colony is telling stories about an space empire long ago. And also, this AI from the beginning, is actually a part of a "brain" from an alien species from that empire from the tales - now so old, they become sentient rocks (apparently the peak of evolution). And some more, but I can't fucking find that book's title.

God fucking dammit, I should be paying more attention to the titles of books I'm reading.

MFW there are people who thinks that what you saw in the Evangelion trailer movie is going to actually be in the movie...

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Render date: 28 July 2020

The prompt from r/Daily3D was "Wealthy item" and the first thing i thought when i read wealth were "Pearls" for some reason.

That jewerly stand was hard enough to make that i used it for another scene with Vapowave vibes.


I like to see the reactions that people have to dqn's posts

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