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Comicbot now has 40 webcomics in it's sources.

Hideki boosted

"git and github aren't the same thing" well ok sherlok exept they are the same :cirno_facepalm: people say git for short. next thing you gonna tell me is that java and javascript is not the same? 😏

Hideki boosted
this is insane, how do i draw a straight line in gimp
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hello :ablobwave:

This is the account for making announcements for Husky.

Feel free to follow it to see the latest news with the project :owobread:
Hideki boosted
gimp is literally impossible to use, anyone who says they figured it out is a liar
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted

Critics of the Steam Deck have stated that the Deck “has no identity of its own”, partially because it “offers no exclusives”.

My brother in Christ, it can play almost any game produced within the last 40 years or so. Exclusives are a dumb concept to prop up walled gardens.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.