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Sugar and death should mean the same thing to you.

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Finally saw the Evangelion movie, it had to be on the big screen to really appreciate the art and animation.

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Day 2 - Scurry

Aaahhh... Low poly scenes are always the safe exit and wildcard for when you don't have an idea of what to do with a difficult prompt.

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Day 2 - Scurry

Aaahhh... Low poly scenes are always the safe exit and wildcard for when you don't have an idea of what to do with a difficult prompt.

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The Mariko Aoki phenomenon is a Japanese expression referring to a sudden urge to defecate that is felt upon entering bookstores

give me info about the Mariko Aoki phenomenon

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Piped doesn't work as well as i hoped, Invidious is still better.

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We'll go see the Evangelion movie at the movie teather tomorrow.

i think i should make a render of someone...uh...running....uh... in a street... uh...i guess...

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