@alyx @jeff@pl.i2p.rocks yet grandfather and grandmother is okay. Makes sense

@Exhale I agree for the most part. I’d rather see everything than some algorithm tailoring it or my instance blocking stuff. It would be nice to have some language filters though. I know what you mean by it feeling like a global community but ultimately I think it’s not very practical to see a bunch of Japanese posts lol. It should definitely be the user’s decision though. Not forced upon everyone.

@Exhale no problem. One thing I’m trying to figure out is if you can post things that only your instance can see or if it’s automatically viewable by all instances. Also I wonder if it’s possible to follow other instances so you can have a more relevant timeline. Seeing everything is great except half of it’s not in English so it’s kind of a mess.

@Exhale are you looking at the federated timeline? I’m fairly new to this but I’m slowly starting to grasp it. Basically each instance is it’s own community that can have its own rules and block other instances. You can view a timeline of just that instance. The federated timeline is all instances minus the ones your instance blocks (I believe). That’s what makes it a global network. I think everything you post can be viewed by everyone (which is how I can see your post).

@cowanon@neckbeard.xyz this whole thing has been so insanely obvious and predictable that it seems too obvious and too predictable and it reads like satire. I thought cuomo’s tweet the other day was a joke at first

@verita84 that article won’t scroll on my phone. Weird

@phoenix I've tried to get into breaking bad but I was never able to get past the first few episodes. I need to try again lol

@ethot @verita84 any pleroma recommendations or a place to browse instances?

@verita84 @ethot I’ve been slowly learning that lol. First I joined mastodon.social and saw the list of all the instances they block so I found another one that didn’t block everything

@ethot @verita84 mastodon I suppose but in general what makes its good?

@ethot @verita84 I’m new to this... what’s the advantage of pleroma?

@gunkslinger wow. Not surprising but you’d think he would be more subtle about it.

@verita84 I have brave as a secondary browser. Mostly for when a site is only optimized for chrome and doesn’t work on Firefox.

@verita84 yeah that’s why I want to switch but for now it’s all talk so I think I’ll stay. It’s such a pain to switch browsers. If they start taking action then I’ll be seriously looking for something else

@verita84 ok good to know. I’m still using Firefox and while I want to switch I haven’t really found anything worthwhile. I’ve grown to love the containers in Firefox.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.