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@coolboymew it never ends. Now that we've hit Zeta the next type of guy will be an Alpha Alpha.

>4chan changed the captcha to something fucking retarded
>this fucks up my brain
I'm not retarded, I swear.

"We'll convert your children!"
No no, not into homosexuals or anything like that! (Dragon Ball OP plays)

"This, children, is anime."

Can I interest you in Fushigi Neko no Kyuu-chan? 【ふしぎねこのきゅーちゃん】

Gmail is blocking emails with links to Tutanota. Spread the word to help us stop this!

@alyx @fluffy this is about seeding the narrative that the stated WEF goal of putting useless eaters on soy diets is anti-racist while at the same time they are pushing for bills to declare racism a public health crisis and join the CDC with the federal police

physicists :blobcatfistbumpleft: :blobcatfistbumpright: engineers

political science: :blobcatfrowningbig: but blaming white people is peer reviewed

Oh hey, that VN that I've been telling myself I'll play is finally out.

HUNGARY may be the only hope for a Europe that has succumbed completely to Marxist mania. In one instance, a little girl stands disdainfully on a rainbow flag, the symbol of faggotry all the world over. This does not offend me. This flag does not represent me and I sincerely hope to see more of this.

@locarnta @underwater @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @alex @raphael @Ivan_Ivanovich

On "rising above" "identity politics." There is something to be said for not regarding literally everybody who isn't in your racial category as some kind of mortal enemy who must be stopped at all costs. I don't run around acting like that, and I'm perfectly fine being reasonable from people of whichever race I come across out in the wild.

That said. Whites are under racial attack at every level. This is an objective fact. If you pretend that it isn't an objective fact, I'm not going to associate with you unless it's for an extremely utilitarian purpose like easy money. Appropriate policy as well as cultural overtures will be evaluated on the question of "is this good for my people." And guess what, what "my people" entails is in no small part determined racially.

Them's the breaks.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

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