moar stable diffusion: if you try "strawberry blonde hair", it will try to draw strawberries :meru_lul:

moar stable diffusion: probably the most beautiful results I've gotten and I am so very stealing it

this is my SO's OC and I couldn't quite put a finger on finalizing her look, but machine just put huge hairbuns on her and I just went "that's it!!1"

moar stable diffusion: now, creating an anime dark-skinned girl turned out to be more difficult, but these girls turned out to be very cute


moar stable diffusion: despite occasionally trying to draw strawberries, the machine understands "strawberry blonde" as color

moar stable diffusion:

"beautiful [x], [description, hair + eyes at least], art by alphonse mucha, shoujo, portrait" with 34 sampling steps and 7 CFG scale gives SSS++ tier waifus and husbandos

matana found img2img :MonkaChrist:

the og "donor" is a pic I never posted (i think?) cuz this was just a fast sketch

Strange, that none of the pictures contains the same edge.

The sinister smile makes the original truly superior.

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