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Monster High G1: "this girl is a werewolf! :D"
Monster High G3: "tHiS gIrL iS AfrO-LAtInX"

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@LukeAlmighty hmm, so this is literally the same pattern as with LoTR: we have a ✧˖°.diverse✧˖°. world and then some long bearded old wizard comes and "solves" it blaming it on Merlin

in retrospective, updating Stable Diffusion while being essentially high on anti-encephalopathy pills wasn't a very smart move

but what can be better than AI doing right and making pretty pictures than AI going wrong

if local AI experts could explain what these blue spots are (like around eyes) and how to get rid of them I would be grateful (it's Anything 4.0 but I was getting these with 3.0 as well)

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@hachi @straw and you claim to use a Japanese word as your identity online while not being Japanese and actually using a slur

you are a racist and should decolonize your mind, stop culturally appropriating things which aren't yours, bigot

@beardalaxy just today I learned that squire career didn't always transfer well to knight career, and at times it was pointless to start anew as a knight when good money was in being a squire of some other knight

and yeah, it's fantasy, but sometimes it's nice not to strain suspension of disbelief too much

although his initial attempt was exactly this and he was very unhappy about big booba :KannaSip:

I still insist this is a good result for a first try of a guy who doesn't know a speck of English

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