“her attractiveness prevents me from seeing her tragic story cuz i inherently see attractive female characters as sex objects”
@matrix Cyberpunk was never good and should've been buried harder; in fact, the studio should've been buried when they made the buggy Witcher 1, the shoulders of Russian players carried them and they thanked us by backstabbing
Bethesda also should've been buried when they made literally unplayable buggy Daggerfall, but Trve Gamers™ gobbled it up and now act surprised that the studio which has always (always) released buggy unplayable shit with wonky parody of a gameplay released a buggy shit with wonky parody of a gameplay
@beardalaxy 2023 is the AVGN year, the conclusion of Jekyll and Hyde saga was good
@hidden if you ever wondered why digital movies look better than shot with film
Digital photography captures the traces of light coming from the objects into data. The digital photograph is a data of light. The light is memorized in the camera with no need of a darkroom. The analogue medium, by contrast, transforms the rays of light into a negative, that is, into a reversed image. Analogue warps light. It is neither bright nor dark. Analogue interrupts the light of life. The analogue medium interrupts the natural relation in which the object is connected to photography via the light. 'Digital' is something that is precise. Data is digitized light through our fingers. The rays of light coming from an object are preserved in clear data. There is, by contrast, no similarity between light and its reflected negative. The analogue medium *translates* light onto paper. In this process, the light is lost. In analogue photography, mathematics gives way to alchemy. It disenchants photography.
And there we go.
Our wonderful "Somalian" friend got indited on the obstruction of business charge ("威力業務妨害罪"). The maximum sentence on conviction is 3 years or less, and/or a fine of 500k JPY or less. The trespassing charge was dismissed (不起訴処分) as "not serious, victim forgave them, rekt by public opinion, etc" (起訴猶予).
The pre-trial detainment period is a max of 2 months (with 1 months extensions as an option), and bail is possible but extremely unlikely.
I was expecting additional charges to force a visa overstay, but the oft quoted statistic about Japan's conviction rate is fully applicable now.
@matrix well, fire takes time to spread
@LukeAlmighty post-Tomorrow Never Dies James Bond?
header art by: 385oo?? i have no idea plz gib sauce if there's any