@matrix corpos are never so helpful as to give you an actual person to talk to, should be your first clue :cirno_sip:
@icedquinn @matrix side channel contact method is also a common indicator
@graf @matrix this has been going on non stop for almost 3 years now. At the beginning of 2018 everyone's collective IQ dropped

Remember that the US had an oil shortage because somebody wanted to see some boobs

@matrix oh no

send me via DM your credit card number and security code to encrypt them for you so they can't hack them.

This one took me about 10 minutes before I got what the entire email was about. Once I got it, it was obvious it was a scam, but damn, this was one hell of a convoluded shit...

(no attachment was included)

@LukeAlmighty @matrix This was probably just copied verbatim from a real CSOB email. Was this the complete email?

@fuxoft @matrix
Yes. No atachment, no aditional text.

And with the title "Vase kara byla digitalizována"

@fuxoft @matrix
The joke was the part "if you have recieved this transmission in error".

Then I realized this shit was about me mailing them back and the scam can begin from there.

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