
I need DLSS ultra performance to run Portal RTX :peepoSadSwing:

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Fuck I wanna play Witcher 3 so bad, but not at 30 FPS and not at not maxxed out settings

@LukeAlmighty @matrix i haven't tried yet but i'm assuming i'll be okay. it's just like 30GB for fucking portal so i'm waiting to install it until i'm finished with soul calibur's story mode lol

@Mac_CZ There is. I think the reason people have trouble noticing it is because it behaves like real world, so your brain pays 0 attention to it.

@matrix New update shits itself on DX12 for me even with all the next-gen shit turned off 😩

@matrix Legit single digit fps. idk why considering my GPU is practically idling the whole time. I mean. Old update still looks great IMO so I’m just running that instead

@VD15 @matrix
>idk why
Because RTX is a mess. You're not supposed to be able to play RTX without a 5090.

@alyx @VD15 He isn't, he turned it off, they screwed up the dx12 port it seems

@Outmoded @alyx @VD15 Callisto ran fine, just didn't precompile shaders. Witcher seems to have bigger issues

what? didn't it run fine? did that new asset update fuck everything up?
@VD15 @matrix >linux gaming
>on directx
did you think it would be anything but a disaster

@VD15 No, it definitely seems there's some performance issue. Turning DLSS to ultra performance barely increased fps.

@matrix you can play the old version in steam by selecting it as a beta. you probably won't notice too much of a difference tbh.

@beardalaxy I know, but I think the RT makes quite a difference

@mrinalsaurabh Just because it has RT cores doesn't mean it can run RT games

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