BTW, I still have the original CD.
First battlefield game I've bought by a LONG time.
@LukeAlmighty I still have the deluxe edition. Best Battlefield game made.
@LukeAlmighty but I also have 3, 4 and 1
Out of these... I have only 3.
It was for free :D
@pawlicker @LukeAlmighty Titanfall 2 being dead is absolutely insane to me. When you see zoomers playing COD they clearly want to play Titanfall.
@matrix @pawlicker
Titan fall is kinda funny.
I seriously would like to play it, and it got pretty cheap on Steam, but I am so done with the life service model and the lack of dedicated servers, that I just couldn't force myself to buy it, even though, I heard the SP is great and GIANT ROBOTS are always amazing.
@pawlicker @matrix
Thanks, I will grab it at a nearest sale.
@LukeAlmighty @pawlicker Titanfall 1 and 2 are unplayable, because of hackers, selling 1 is criminal imo, because it's multiplayer only.
Thankfully there's https://northstar.tf/
Also for BF2142 there's https://battlefield2142.co
@pawlicker @LukeAlmighty @matrix hello fellow man of culture. Advanced Warfare was fucking awesome! Definitely the CoD I spent the most time in. Super quick and the jetpack being unlimited instead of stuck on a cool down made the movement really enjoyable.
@beardalaxy @pawlicker @matrix
I am also considering that game... Because of Kevin..
@LukeAlmighty @pawlicker @matrix the game probably has nobody playing online these days. Not anything like bo3. Story mode isn't really worth it imo.
@pawlicker @LukeAlmighty @matrix i'll have to check this out
@LukeAlmighty Lol, I also have Hardline but only digital. I don't understand the hate towards it since it's really fun.
@matrix weird way to write 2
@xyfdi no Titans therefore no
@matrix Titanfall 2 also has a special place in my heart.
@matrix BF1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>