@matrix Damn compared to everyone else I might as well be eating crickets

@beardalaxy @matrix acknowledging that different cultures do stuff differently, but they gotta make it weird

@arc @matrix that doesn't seem very woke to me, aren't the wokies always complaining about Japanese culture?

@matrix In my defense there are a lot of what I consider "trick questions" on this.
Like this one, I mean... yeah, probobly, but... I want Anarchy...

@matrix this is one of those questions where i know what they're asking but i read it as something else lmao

@matrix "empowering underdogs" to me means giving younger folks hope and friendship when they may not have it. empowering them in a way to better themselves and get out of slumps. not this weird "empowering black people to make their lives and everyone else's lives worse" shit.

What the fuck does this even mean?
Is that some nuke joke? "Soon, everyone will be free :meguminExplode: "

@LukeAlmighty @matrix I remember on the old "political compass" test the questions would be like "do you think big evil corporations should be allowed to kill cute puppies?" So most people will probably end up further left than they should.

@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @matrix
There was literally a question I remember to this day.
If globalization is inevitable, should corporations serve the interest of humanity as a whole?

Bitch, no. The corporations should be hurting humans for profit. :pepeFacepalm:

@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @LukeAlmighty @matrix yeah the original was pretty bad, someone made a new version of it that's a lot better though. i'm libertarian and slightly left, shifted over there over the years due to my growing disdain for (((rich people))).

I would guess I would be a bit more inclined to fight the power, considering I am on the fedi.

And 0 challenging norms? seriously?

And, here are the results, if I assume, the questions are not written by a wokie

@LukeAlmighty @matrix it's because the test assumes that "the power" is white men and the patriarchy.

it also assumes that "challenging norms" means challenging biological facts. remember, this is from a wokie's POV.

@beardalaxy @matrix Still though, hating the government, cops, army and the entire fucking education system has to count for something right? :omegalul:

@LukeAlmighty @matrix but the test doesn't ask that, it asks if you hate "the patriarchy' and "white men" lmao

@LukeAlmighty It's an slavery abolitionist phrase afaik, but I have no clue what leftist mean with it today

@matrix There are a few of these 'yes, but for a different reason' questions
tbh, free markets sure seem to be favoring asians at the moment.

otoh, these people claim "whiteness" is defined by being rich, successful, and powerful because they're racist.

@cognate @matrix the underlying grievance: white men aren't doing enough fucking.

@matrix the problem is 'woke' is good ideas corrupted to be antithetical

>You are neutral on the woke question (44.53%).

Oh, goodie. *everyone* hates me.

@matrix@gameliberty.club apparently i am not woke! (lol i knew that in advance.)

but wtf is this question??? mathematics and physics are the only things that can ever be considered unquestionably true. reality beyond that is, to at least some extent, subjective. but physics? really? quantum physics has proven that reality is subjective to some extent, and thus prone to manipulation.

the other problem with this question is that it implies that mathematics and physics are inherently Western, which is hilariously retarded. it's almost like the creators of this test are unwilling to admit that their entire body can be reduced to subatomic particles... well, nuke them and they'll understand, right? that's a good solution, i think. heh.

@otokonoko Yes, it is that retarded. It accurately describes what a segment of the left.

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