
Somehow one of my SSDs and a second monitor died last night when I was sleeping.

Should I get a 2TB TLC drive or a 4TB QLC? The performance drop for QLC is insane, HDD level performance.

I should just get the cheaper one if it decides to fucking die again after just 2 years

While trying to diagnose my second, but much older SSD died too wtf

I had to install my Linux VM I use for coding on an HDD and holy shit that's so painfully slow

HDD can mostly saturate a QLC SSD in sequential writes, not great, but this is a one off.

@matrix Solar storm possibly? The chances of things randomly not working like that seems low.

@matrix Or some kind of power spike and things got fried?

@Jazzy_Butts I have a UPS, so that would mean UPS is failing somehow

@alyx @matrix actually, matrix did just go back, proving you wrong.
@matrix btrfs with compression makes them usable
t. had a laptop with a smr hdd.

@mischievoustomato thanks for the tip, hopefully I never have to use it

@matrix I have had a 4TB QLC from Samsung for 3 years and it fine, it drops hard if you are writing like 70GB at once but otherwise it’s not that bad. I was worried since I accidentally bought it without realizing it’s QLC but it’s been not an issue so far, so QLC isn’t the worst thing ever if you want the hueg space

@arc Yeah, I ordered the 4TB QLC even though I feel it's not much cheaper compared to a 4TB TLC one, when you take into account the massive performance drop.
4TB is probably the minimum for QLC, 1TB ones get a cache so small it's basically not there.

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