nil boosted

@Galena Ancoms just want to fuck shit up and burn things down

@alyx @matrix Because it wasn't real communism, it was "state capitalism" or "Stalinism" or whatever

nil boosted

Remember when RKS came out on Steam out of nowhere? That was an exciting day.

bash was a mistake
dash is the way to go

@matrix They think they can abolish money and then housing will be free for everyone

@sathariel Marisa is good but I'm a Remilia person when it comes to 2hu

@wakarimasen @Othinus Shows aimed at little girls are the best shows though

Void Princess is very cute and Oz Sorcerer was a mistake

It's a better idea to actually write your program rather than write nonstop error checking.

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I'm actually being half serious here.

The user will always mess up input.
The user will always find the most creative way to work around your error checking.

It's a waste, just let it all crash and burn and have the user learn to use the program.

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Writing error checking code is a waste of time.

You should assume you'll never mess up the code and that the user will never mess up input.

type *ptr is the only correct way and if you disagree you're wrong

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