Watch "Sony's Handheld PC from 2006" on YouTube
Gotta love old hardware... This kind of tech really needs a comeback.
I dislike Tik Tok. But i also think people should have a right to decide what to use and what not.
@matrix The first 10 rounds came in first place but.. out the blue i would have matches where i would get my butt handed to me without any prejudice...
This leads me to believe that the game is just full of bots and the occasional human player whonis heavily invested in the game.
@xianc78 Lmao who is that guy? Serious Business.
Jokes aside, without the proper context all his ranting seems irrationa
@eos @Kohutt To be honest i haven't seen anything madoka related past the original anime.
I can more or less tell what may have happened with the follow ups and i would bet the original producer/writer wasn't involved. As always, profit may have played a part on its fetichization.
Now speaking in general, we all love cute things to some degree, and i am also willing to bet some genuinely cute series didn't intend for their characters to be sexualized. But in time subsequent deliveries may have changed their tune to catter to its most vocal demographic, which undoubtly has issues with realistic expectations and tend to warp the intentions of the product into something else.
Worst thing is, the "waifu" culture seems to be firmly rooted among the fans with spinoffs like husbando. At first i dismissed it as the longings of kids who often admire or "love" a celebrity, but it turned to be something darker.
@Kohutt @eos
Sexualization is the achiles heel of most Anime, and something i find distasteful.
Aside from that, i don't really think Madoka Magika was that condescending in its treatment of power and the girls wielding it. If anything it felt dark, and realistic to their young age
I mean, from the get go it starts by deconstructing the parents gender roles which seems quite a big deal for Japan. An executive mother and a stay at home dad.
Then there are the ultimate sacrifices made by each and every character, giving them the determination often lacked in the depiction of female roles or the emotional struggles they go through. They were all very relatable protagonists
Now.. i can't really defend the paraphernalis that sorrounds it (games etc.) It is really gross and often made for the sole purpose of economic gain, exploiting those objectivizing tropes again and again.
@a1batross Awesome stuff! I love old/obscure tech like this.
Wow.. that is such an awesome pokehybrid. Really love the art style and how detailed its fur is.
Here to chill and have a good time. 🐺🎲🕹
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