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>infinity nikki
cool they're making official yume nikki sequel? :clueless:

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ynw? this yet another dotnod lesbian game looks interesting, i have a good feeling about it

once in a while the internet reinvents the word 'sus' and then once in a while the internet reinvents the word 'goon'

you can, however, do this but I am sure they'll patch it out
I also chose "none" pronouns and they use pronouns to refer to me! rude 💀

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odd way to say "do not buy our shit game" but okay! 🤗

@LukeAlmighty I am defending existing life in face of murderous men ❤️ it's noble and just

@LukeAlmighty why yes, we are literally talking about murder of women and how "they" want to legalize it wide-scale, finally you're getting it
so yes, women who want abortions are amazing and deserve all the love and life ❤️

@LukeAlmighty literally nobody is doing abortions for fun, so it's us against those who would like to strip all basic rights from us

@LukeAlmighty not defending achieves nothing when it's "us" vs "them"

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@LukeAlmighty for as much as needed
"roasties who abort for fun" is a misogynistic internet lie coined by incels; abortions are a necessity, and that includes women who are already mothers and would like to continue to take care of their children instead of dying or whatever else can happen that can warrant a necessity for abortion

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@LukeAlmighty women who want abortions are amazing, responsible mothers

@tomie This town is full of monsters, how can you sit there and listen to Blink 182?!

@beardalaxy if a place is infected with mold spores, it's infected with spores
wiping the fridge insides (or where you keep your cheese) with vinegar might help

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.