@p @mint @pomstan nnia? sharty is a place where literal yesterday's embryos who are not even old enough to have legal papers yet, are being subjected to gifs of gay intercourse and full gore suicide
reset the clock, actual unironic pedophiles are again diverting the attention of authorities from themselves to literal drawings
@beardalaxy I would add that this is sorta of a Turing test for humans, too, for if you're unable to gauge the context requiring the usage of the word, and even exercise some mental fortitude to say it if you've been raised to think the word is generally unacceptable, then are you really human? or just an NPC with quite literally programmed thinking
@nice-nigger @beardalaxy probably somewhere where your dad is
@nice-nigger @beardalaxy even the racist bot agrees (i guess)
@beardalaxy funny how the ability to say 'nigger' without exhaustive coercion has become the ultimate Turing test
@Mr_NutterButter no shit, because even your absurd statement aside, having no monopoly on force pretty much nullifies everything else, and that's why if a government worth at least something the first thing it establishes is the force monopoly
what trvly makes the world a bit more cultured and safer for women is that 'God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal'
@picandor what should've been never forgotten is that -fellers and -schilds made big bucks from all of that
but somehow, everyone forgot
@solidsanek your take
@solidsanek absolutely uncultured peasant take
the audacity of jews online, crying about being oppressed by the system that literally bends and snaps in their favor, is perfectly displayed by their eagerness to just casually call you a goy and everything related to you as something goyish
I don't really remember the Chinese calling people in the English-speaking internet 'laowai' straight to their faces; don't remember Japanese casually going 'shut up and listen, gaijin'; even muslims somehow have the politeness to not call you a kaffir right off the bat
jews, however, are quick to establish a borderline combative wall of 'goy', or 'gentile', but the point is virtually unchanged
@todayilearned Experiments in libertarian-ism
Meanwhile every experiment with UBI massively helps people
Aeroperu Flight 603 crash (1996)
The most hillarious series of fuckups and misunderstandings leading to a leisurely descent into the ocean at night.
> maintenance team does a paintjob
> forgets to remove masking tape from sensors
> pilot does not notice
> night flight over the ocean
> sensor is erratic and then gets stuck at 9700 feet and 370 knots
> crew decides to return to airport
> throttle too low due to confusion
> backup (radar) altimeter starts going crazy with warnings
> crew asks tower for altitude
> tower is receiving altitude from the airplane and the controller does not know it
> trust the controller
> listen to "too low, terrain" for a few minutes
> do nothing
> bounce of the water and crash
@SpurgAnon just like any article appealing to emotions this one is shit; actually reading it reveals that the lady is in the process very voluntarily
if she feels like a burden to her family, then it's probably the parents' fault in a first place
♡ i identify as an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension ♡
♡ normally I don't fedpost, but in case I ever do: it's all fiction in the genre of satire and has nothing in common with tangible reality ♡