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@jeffcliff all "original dub" (bastardized travesty) copies should be burnt in the cleansing fire and the same fate should be the end of every lolcowlization

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@LukeAlmighty I am afraid the leg leafs are just part of the stockings, not the doll itself

but in case you really want it, look it at online shops, local toy shops, or the official site:

@LukeAlmighty the clothes are awful, that much is true 💀

Harley looks better, but still, nothing to write home about

@beardalaxy I wouldn't replace it, it's handmade custom design afterall 💅

oh thank fuck the new Poison Ivy Barbie looks very mid and I don't have to spend money on it 🙏

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tomie boosted
Democrats have just as much blood on their hands at this point for their lack of codifying abortion rights into law, outside of the Supreme Court.

(And I will still be pissed at RGB and her fucking ego until the day I die for not retiring when she could have guaranteed a dem successor.)
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@EmmyNoether @ChasingWaterfalls I think I got it. Didn't understand it at first, but now I think I understand.

Males are said to think about sex every 16 seconds. That's the effect of testosterone. In order to be "equal", females have to be equally obsessed with sex, even though women have evolved to be discriminatory about mating.

But as with all things natural, they have to queer it and pretend the norm for women is a subcategory, because everything male is normal, and female has to be categorized as compared to male.

I think that's what it is, if I'm getting my point across.

@LukeAlmighty Disney built itself on public domain characters and then fucked copyright laws inside out to squat them and some more
they're still flagging that first Mickey Mouse cartoon which went public domain recently, on YT

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@beardalaxy Atari should've patented "move pixels with a controller" and killed videogames right on the spot
copyrights, patents, trademarks, whatever, abolish them all 💀

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@LukeAlmighty I'd still say that's headphones, afterall they play whatever sounds the user needs to shut off ambient noise
maybe it would help to think of it as reverse glasses: yeah, someone still sees with eyes in the end, but it's not a mistake to say that someone can't see without glasses even if it's not true, strictly speaking
+ if you're wearing headphones, more considerate normies might not bother you when they otherwise would

@LukeAlmighty this literally says 'mute people', not 'mute every noise'
plus when your ears are occupied by nice music or podcast of your choice, it's easier to filter out the unwanted noise: you don't have that ability cuz you have 'tism

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