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Here's a small anecdotal window into why everyone my age is "lazy":
Rent is ~$1600 split between three roommates. If one of us flakes or leaves, the other two sink- and yes, it's the cheapest place in town which isn't dangerous. I've looked everywhere else.
I work two jobs because no employer can afford to give workers benefits for working full time. I've had to hop jobs regularly this past year because they repeatedly cut hours or else asked me to come in on short notice which conflicted with my other job and school time. Everyone wants on-call employees but can't or won't pay for it.​ Also keep in mind all these jobs were found via contacts and networking; I wouldn't even *have* income if I were to try applying online as I would have been filtered by HR bots.
I'm currently in debt for school (STEM) which is the biggest expense I have, but it's my only real shot out of the crab bucket so I persist. I've fought hard to keep a 4.0 GPA which I use to fuel my form of gambling- scholarships- which I write on company time.
I ride share or walk everywhere because I couldn't afford a car, and now I finally have one I can't afford to repair it, so I'm scraping what little earnings I take home to afford that, which means forgoing beef and niceties like most hobbies. Any unexpected costs like a medical emergency would immediately force me to drop out and move back in with family and many don't have that kind of safety net.
"Success/Failure to launch" is now completely up to luck. For those that see it realize it's not worth the effort, choose to never even try, and just NEET off the government and their parents.

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@hachi uh, nice job excluding nonhuman ids and systems?? bigot

@picandor @LukeAlmighty with each passing day I am less and less embarrassed about being a NEET

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>a retard makes a video where he cries about having to "share the same internet" with fandom culture
>uses sharty lingo

@coded_artist what do I have to remember when I see a trad shipping a brother and his little sister, then

@beardalaxy yes I do expect all new releases to run flawlessly the same way as all PS5 releases (like, one of them) would run on PS3 💅 like, not my job to upgrade because the devs are lazy and do not optimise their UE5 bloatware

@beardalaxy @flux_the_cat 99% of them don't, but they also don't raise the seat, it takes some courtesy which they lack by definition

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@LukeAlmighty not sure of coincidence or just the modern clown world spying again, but I got a video about soyny controllers in my recs
speaking of drift, if you have a drifting joycon, WD-40 remedies it

@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter I bought mine way later than launch but so far so good, plus I prefer to keep them connected to PC when I play anyway

I think I need to buy a spare one of these days

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Loli a Word is now on Varis: @loliaword

Fortune Bot is now on Poast:

All of the anime picture bots will probably die with this November.

look, I am not saying that nikocado losing weight correlates with the advent of believable AI video, but I am saying it

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