tomie boosted

a long time ago I had a huge argument with my classmate over him flat out not comprehending the butterfly effect and not believing in that
back then as a teen I tried to argue in good faith but now I just realise that this retard simply never had the concept of long-term consequences in his mind

>reeee, we should hold creators accountable for what they create because it might teach the WRONG thing
>reeee, creators should keep in mind the death of the author

how the fuck balding redditoids are expecting authors to do both things simultaneously? do they fully expect them to be clairvoyant prophets? if we hold the author "accountable", then author's word should overwrite any public reaction; if the death of the author is in effect, you cannot hold someone you declared dead accountable

tomie boosted
tomie boosted
I have not succumbed to any societies attempt to brainwash me with their supernatural nonsense to believe in any of their gawds

unlike most of you folks

and the moment you did succumb to their brainwashing that is the time you became mentally ill because that is what their brainwashing does to you

and now you will sit there screeching to yourself neither are you mentally ill or have you been brainwashed by them?

"chatting with the locals is the best vacation, sightseeing and beach tourists don't see the real country!!1"
i don't even like the locals where I am local, why the fuck would I want to chat with locals somewhere else

tomie boosted
tomie boosted
tomie boosted

I agree with you completely.
Everyone who reads or watches crime shows should go straight to jail.

wait it's not my vision going to shit, it's TAA??

tomie boosted

@tomie the only acceptable game to play is Wii sports

the entire point of shooters is to kill people: there's no amount of mental gymnastics which could excuse it; the entire point of shooting games is to kill people, because that's quite literally the main selling point
"but muh Doom where I only kill alie-" doesn't matter, you still hunt and kill a living sentient intelligent being
so if you ever played shooters or worse, enjoyed them, you're literally a killer, a murderer, and an overall menace to society
same thing if you ever watched, like, a movie where a person got killed and enjoyed it: you are a sick person and your enjoyment of this sick shit is an indicator of that

tomie boosted

I wonder what natural resource that Blackrock found in California that justified burning the whole thing down for land grabs.

tomie boosted
tomie boosted
tomie boosted
@wgiwf @King_Noticer @Robert_Edwardly pink and light blue are a cute pattern and we shouldn't let troons just claim it for them

"localisation is important! it's not about the literal meaning--"
kill yoooooourseeeeeeeeeelf!!!!!!!!

tomie boosted
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