One day, I will take a pen, paper and start calculating just how much of my life was stolen by the state.

And I know, that once I see that number, I will never wake up the next day.

@LukeAlmighty I like how you said "stolen" given that you libertarians endorse the stealing of indigenous land.

@hachi @LukeAlmighty
Given that actual retards will fall for this and they already have, I'll bite:

Ayn Rand never called herself a libertarian. She actually opposed the term because she saw it as "right-wing anarchism" (this even includes night-watchman state libertarianism). Her philosophy was called "Objectivism" which was a major influence on right-libertarianism, but is ultimately a separate ideology.

Libertarianism is the idea that all (or at least most) forms of human association should be voluntary. Objectivism is the philosophy that one should only work within one's own self-interest. These may sound like similar concepts at a first glance, but they are not.

Objectivists think that donating to private charity is immoral unless you get something out of it because otherwise you would be bringing yourself down. Meanwhile, libertarians don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's not done through force. This isn't also getting into other differences such as their stances on intellectual property.

I see both leftists and third-positionists strawman libertarianism and individualism by referencing her quotes, yet both Mises and Rothbard thought she was crazy.

@xianc78 @hachi @LukeAlmighty >Objectivists think that donating to private charity is immoral unless you get something out of it
Very jewish mindset.
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