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Oracle is a fucking terrible company. They are the only one I know of that charges over a thousand dollars for a training course.

Milei trash talking leftists honestly reminds me of Luciano from OAG and 8chan/v/.


Added support for horizontal scrolling levels. Given, that this game is somewhat Kid Icarus-inspired and Kid Icarus did include horizontal levels, I decided I might as well include them.

Including this was a pain as I didn't originally planned to include this. I still haven't included this in the level editor yet, but I think I could get it done. I just feel like the game should be more than about some character jumping all the way to the sky.

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Added walkable cloud tiles for this particular level.

I have no idea what this game is going to be about. It probably will be a mix of sci-fi and fantasy, at the rate at this thing is going.

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I realize that I didn't include support to change the background color in the level editor, so here it is. It is done by pressing the left control key.

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Now here is a level I can make now that the format supports background tiles.

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What are the odds that a son of a fed was trying to buy something from a store that recently had a mass shooting?


Reconfigured the level editor to support the new format. I've also added a way to change the tile behavior and view the behavior of each tile in the editor. Tiles without an overlay are background tiles. Yellow represents solid tiles. Dark blue are platform tiles (ones where you can jump to from the bottom). Tiles with red overlays are spike tiles.

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I'm now using triple digit values for each tile in the tile maps because I've added more tiles to the tileset and it gotten to the point that each tile needs a double digit value along with the single digit value that gives the behavior of each tile. Naturally this breaks compatibility with the levels of the older format and I have to convert them manually, and have the reconfigure the level editor as well, but that's the price you pay.

I didn't do it earlier because I didn't expect to use that many tiles. I then decided to include background tiles, so naturally that increases the amount of tiles in the tileset.

You may notice that these tiles are from Mario Bros and CaveStory. I do these as place holders, and I eventually create my own.

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Recently, I've been going down the "Free/Infinite energy suppression" rabbit hole. It seems like generating an infinite amount of energy for free is pretty easy, yet this knowledge is being suppressed by governments and corporations. Two of the most well known proponents of free/infinite energy, Stanley Meyer and Eugene Mallove were both apparently murdered, with Stanley being poisoned and Eugene being beaten to death in a supposed house robbery.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.