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I got a random dungeon generation algorithm implemented. It is the same one from this post (, but written in C++ instead of Java. It's pretty basic at the moment. I plan on having each room randomly pick a design from a template.

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Created solid tiles, a couple of enemies, knockback, and the sword. I also divided the screen. There will be a hud on top, but right now, it is blank.

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Had to shelve the platformer project because of poor planning and feature creep. I decided to work on an action dungeon crawler. Right now, you can only move your character and thrust your sword, but I plan on including randomly generated levels.

I'm more experienced with top-down games, so this might be easier.

My research into infinite energy suppression has lead me to research on other suppressed technologies. This one in particular is interesting. It produces rain clouds. It could've made desert areas actually livable, but the inventor behind it was killed by the elites because it could've ended world hunger and the third-world is their money laundering sink.

I tried my hand at a more traditional roguelike dungeon generator using this algorithm ( The results were more cave-like than I expected. It only uses rooms and corridors, but it doesn't really place them logically, only if it is right next to a wall.

I should try BSP dungeon generation next. It should give more "dungeon-like" maps.

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Decided to do more practice with procedural generation. For years I always put it off thinking it was too tough to make a dungeon generation algorithm, but then I decided that I could start of by creating Zelda-like dungeons given that the first Zelda game had dungeons using premade rooms that fit on a grid.

I wrote a simple dungeon generator in Java and here are the results. The generator does have a bias for L shaped dungeons though.

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