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I'm nowhere near a weeb and I know next to nothing about this Utau software, but I really love these characters for whatever reason.


I've added a freeze frame after defeating a boss along with explosions. Ignore the high-pitched, corrupt sounds and me breaking the golden rule of keeping the cursor out of the recording.

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For whatever reason, I get this random bug that causes the sound effects to be high pitch. It only happens on my new System76 laptop and I don't know what is the cause. It's completely random. Sometimes, it sounds normal. Other times, not so much.

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Wrist games NEED to make a comeback. There should be a wrist form-factor handheld console solely dedicated to these types of games. They don't need to be full-fledged games. Just have them be simple minigames as companions to full console or PC games, something like the Dreamcast VMU or the Japan-only Sony PocketStation and have it interact with a console or PC via Bluetooth, USB, or micro-SD cards.

Just please don't add any botnet features like GPS or cellular communication.

I still can't believe that this is running on the same engine as the N64 game. It almost feels like an early Xbox 360 game in some areas.

What happened to the REAL Joe Biden? The person claiming to be Joe Biden is clearly an actor. Just look at the fucking earlobes. It's not the same person who was vice-president during the Obama administration.

Makes me wonder if there are any other doubles we should know about.


Second boss now shoots projectiles at an arch in-between jumps.

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Created a second boss. Currently, it's using the same placeholder sprite. This one jumps. I might have it shoot between jumps.

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In Civ1 creating the UN requires communism. Couldn't think of anything more appropriate.


Created the first boss fight. It takes 60 hits to kill. I plan on having it shoot homing attacks at the player.

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